Danh sách câu lệnh sau sẽ giúp bạn làm chủ Trợ lý ảo Bixby Voice

Samsung đã chính thức phát hành Trợ lý Ảo bằng Giọng nói Bixby tại thị trường Việt Nam (gọi tắt là Bixby Voice). Theo đó, Trợ lý ảo Bixby này sẽ hỗ trợ ở 2 loại ngôn ngữ là Tiếng Anh (giọng Mĩ) tiếng Hàn và tiếng Trung.

Để kích hoạt Trợ lý ảo Bixby, bạn vui lòng vào ứng dụng Galaxy App và Cập nhật Hết tất cả các danh sách ứng dụng liên quan Bixby nhé. Và sau đây, Diễn đàn SamsungVN.com gửi đến các bạn danh sách các câu lệnh để có thể “Nâng cao trình độ Anh ngữ tốt hơn” cùng Bixby nhé.

Những câu nói thông thường

Open Facebook
What time is it?
What’s the date today?
Turn the volume up/down
Restart off my phone
Flashlight on/off
Turn on Emergency mode
Play music
Stop the music
What song is this?
What’s the name of this song?
Remind me to buy milk tomorrow at 9 am
Show me my most recent reminder
Delete the shopping reminder
What’s the weather like?
How is the weather going to be tomorrow?
Will it rain today?
What’s the weather in Boston tomorrow?
What’s the UV index in Miami tomorrow?

Tương tác màn hình

Take a screenshot
Go back
Show the Home screen
Scroll up/down
Swipe left/right
Scroll to the top/bottom
Zoom in/out
Turn on auto rotate
Set the phone to portrait mode
Turn off the screen

Tương tác về Thông báo & Cài đặt Hệ thống

Show me my most recent app in split screen view
Close Messages
Close all recent apps
Open Messages in split screen view
Show me my recent apps
Open this app as a pop-up
Minimize this app
Switch windows
Close Messages
Clear notifications from Messages
Show me all notifications
Open the quick panel
Close the notification panel
Expand the notification from Messages
Control the brightness on the notification panel
Read all notifications
Read the latest notification

Hỏi vu vơ?

How far is the sun from Earth?
What is the definition of doodle?
How do you spell restaurant?
Who was the 44th president of the USA?
Show me how to make cheesecake
When is Thanksgiving?
Who was the first man on the moon?
How long is a cheetah’s tail?
What is 10×5?
How many calories in a bagel?
When is sunrise in Paris?
What is a fathom?
How many feet in a mile?

Các ứng dụng Samsung

“Open Gallery and” – để mở ứng dụng Bộ sưu tập Ảnh
Find pictures taken in New York
Show me the most recent picture
Share this picture
Delete this picture
Show me the travel album
Show me the most recent pictures as a slideshow
Auto adjust the picture
Rotate this picture to the right
Play the most recent video
Show me the list of albums
Add the most recent picture from Friends album to Favorites
Remove the auto adjust effects from the most recent picture
Delete the location info from the most recent picture
Delete the travel album
Copy pictures taken at Christmas to a new album
Show the details for the most recent picture
“Open Contacts and” – Mở ứng dụng & tương tác Danh bạ
Create a new contact as David with the number 123-4567
Search for David and call him on speaker phone
Search for David and call his home
Call this number on speaker phone
Call my office number
Call David
Text David
Show David’s contact info
Show profile updates for David
Video call David’s mobile phone
Show my friends group
Make my birthday shared
Change my status message to busy
Link David to Jane
Add David to favorites
Send a message to everyone in Friends
Merge all contacts with the same info
Turn on Google account sync
“Open Phone app and” – Mở nghe gọi & tương tác, nghe gọi, nhắn tin
Show Recents
Show missed calls
Decline the call and Send the text as I am in a meeting
Call 123-4567 on speaker phone
Block 1234-5678
Call with speed dial number 2
Open the keypad
Make a call to 123-4567
Call the most recent number
Delete the most recent number
Show recent searches
Block David
Video call the most recent number
Block the last number called
Call this number
Add David to speed dial 2
Turn on vibrate when call ends
“Open Settings and” – Mở cài đặt & tương tác
Turn on WiFi in Settings
Search for nearby WiFi networks in Settings
Disconnect from WiFi in Settings
Turn on Bluetooth in Settings
Scan for Bluetooth devices in Settings
Go to dual audio in Settings
Show me my Data usage
Turn on Data saver
Turn on Airplane mode
Show me NFC settings
Set the ringtone volume to 50
Increase the system volume
Turn on Do not disturb
Don’t disturb me between 10 pm and 7 am
Set the display brightness to 50
Make the screen brighter
Turn on Blue light filter
“Open Messages and” – Nhắn tin
Show me the most recent message
Block the most recent conversation
Turn off notifications for the conversation with David
Copy the most recent text
Show me pictures from the conversation with David
Mark all unread messages as read
Delete all conversations
Take a photo and send it to David
Show me settings
“Open Camera and” – Mở ứng dụng Camera
Take a picture
Record a video
Turn on the front camera
Turn on HDR
Turn on Flash
Show me pictures
Set the timer for rear camera to 10 seconds
Apply an effect
Turn on Save RAW and JPEG files for rear camera
Turn on video stabilization
Adjust the ISO of Pro mode to 200
Adjust the exposure value of Pro mode to 1
Turn on grid lines
“Open Clock and” – Ứng dụng báo thức
Set an alarm for tomorrow at 6 am
Turn off the 6 am alarm
Show me the time in New York
Dismiss the alarm
Show the timer
Open the stopwatch
Add London to my world clock
Open the time zone converter in the world clock
“Open Calculator and” – Ứng dụng Máy tính
Calculate 5 + 10 x 4
Show the unit converter
Convert 25 inches to cm
“Open Calendar and”
Create an event
Shoe me March 23rd
Show me the month of October
Delete my completed tasks
Mark grocery shopping as done
Delete all of my meetings for today
Show me the settings
Change the first day of the week to Sunday
Show week numbers
Turn on notifications
Lock the time zone
Change the time zone to New York

Ngoài những câu lệnh, này bạn càng tương tác nhiều với Bixby thì bạn sẽ giúp nó thông minh hơn trong thời gian sử dụng lâu dài.

Nội dung liên quan

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